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Chapter 5

Play time

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Ben and Sheba at play

Ben and Sheba where almost always at play with each other. Toys ranged from chasing each other with the ball and ending up with tug and war games using either the ball or a stick or whatever else was available.

Here is Sheba and Ben at the start of play which will end up a tug and war with a stick that Sheba picked up. Plenty sticks here as it is always falling from the trees. Once it was the washing from the line that was used for games. That of course got me involved, but at least it did not happen often.

At the farm Sheba would swim in with a stick and as she came back to the dam edge Ben would be waiting for her and grab the other end of the stick. Of course if she started to pull him into the water he would let go when it started to get too deep for him.

Ben used to often ambush her like a typical pup, but she always ended up getting the better of him as she was so much larger. If she ran down a hill he would go her at the bottom or if they went running he would always grab hold of her when they stopped until she grabbed him back with a nip then he let go and had a look about him as if to say "What did I do wrong?"

With Shez things where a bit different as she was so much smaller than him to start with. He used to try give the ball to her so he could chase her but she did not oblige. Nor did she want to chase him like Sheba did. 

When she got older of course things changed a bit. Suddenly he was no longer the boss and she always had the ball, even if there where two balls she would make sure she ended up with both. Eventually he lost any interest in play as he did not stand a chance against miss greedy. All the attacks and nips he used to do to Sheba suddenly it was his turn to get it from Shez. She was also far too fast for him


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UPDATED  Monday, April 21, 2003 11:30:05 AM

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