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Chapter 3


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Ben had become a confident cheeky boy. Very gentle and very devoted and smart. He and Sheba had become real good friends and one would wait for the other. If a stranger arrived he would raise the alarm and then hide behind Sheba and let her do the watchdog bit. 

He was also good at ignoring other dogs, even where one day a dog came up and bit him on the side he just ignored it and kept walking. Of course he always had Sheba to protect him and she did too. He was also a car boy, so when I went to work I left the 4WD PC open for him and he would stay in it all day. Ben loved his car. 

One day when we where at a place in the bush called Steep Point Sheba and I went off to fish. Ben did not want to come with so off we went and left him in the car. It was a 40 degree day and he did not want to come out the PC. 

Eventually when we came back there was the Ranger bailed up alongside the car with Ben keeping him at bay. The ranger said "boy am I glad to see you, I have been here 30 minutes already. Your dog would not let me leave" Well at least he looked after the camp site and he was also good at finding the PC in the desert dunes on the occasions I could not find it. I would say "Boy CAR" and then just follow him. 

Ben made sure that no one ever came too close to his car. If they did he would give his warning bark to let them know keep away. At least you did not need an alarm lol.

He also loved his walks and would walk next to me without a lead and never ran off for any reason, well unless the 4WD was close with the door open then it was dash for the door and jump in. 

He was a cuddle loving boy who craved his affection and was also ever so faithful. Wherever I went he was with me. I used to take him into work where he chose his spot under my workbench and stayed there till it was time to go home. 

The first time he had to walk down stairs was funny. I did not realize he did not know how to walk down stairs, after all he came up them alright. I had walked to the bottom stairs and turned around and there he was sniffing the stairs. "Come on boy" I called. Well he did just that, started right and then came tumbling down. I carried him the rest of the way and had to find small stairs to show him how to do it. After that he was fine.

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Monday, April 14, 2003

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