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The Farm




Situated In the South of Western Australia in a a place called Wandering. It is 150km from Perth. Said to be the coldest place in Australia when winter sets in. Very green in winter and dry and barren in summer. Runs cattle, sheep, chooks, ducks. Predators are foxes, feral cats. Has 60 acres of untouched natural bush with natural flowers and trees. Closest towns are Wandering,  Pingely, Narrogin. 

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Sheba loved water and whenever we were at the farm guess where she was? yip in the dam most of the time. Still she would come out every now and then She used to round up the cows, with no training whatsoever she just new what to do. Ever since that day she watched Stan trying to get the cows into the paddock and lent a hand and did the right thing. After that she was Stan's mate lol. with some of the cows she made friends with them and they then followed her when ever they could to touch noses with at least. They still ran the right direction come round up time.

  Well this was one time she decided to forget the roundup as the dam was more fun. Hmm well this made Stan unhappy as now he had to finish it on his own. Sheba is the one in the water lol.  



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