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The Farm

Pets 2

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Here are some more pictures with the kids on the Farm. These where taken near the end of summer.

Sheba is the one with the stick, her favorite was for Ben to try and get the stick off her and if he did not want to try then she would come out and give us the stick to throw back into the dam so she could go back in to fetch it. On this occasion Ben is waiting for her to come close enough so he can grab it.

A bit of the farm land near the wind mill with Sheba returning from the direction of the dam. The green area is where there is water bubbling out the ground from a underground spring which usually runs all year round but is very slow.

The old bike, well back from a ride checking the animals


These kinda lined up when we got to the main gate. I reckon they wanting a feed.


This one is a visitor from the bush. Comes in for a cuddle every once in a while.

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