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Shez Life Story

Deb Meets Shez

Chapter 4

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I  first met Shez in January 2001. She was so shy at first she wouldn't  come to me like Ben would. She  just hid behind her Daddy. After a few months she learnt to trust me and both of them new that I got their dinner, they got me to take them outside and I would give them treats. 

In April  she met my son Ben for the first time and he used to stir her from the moment he met her chasing her around the yard jumping out and scaring her, he used to tease her so much and 2 years later she still runs away even though he doesn't do it any more. 

I remember when she came to Adelaide and we took here to the Adult playground and we took her down the slippery dip which she didn't like much but she does now running down them if we go to a playground. Also when we get near water she just cries so excited and runs straight to it. 

My Mum  came and stayed with us and she soon learnt that Nana gave her and Ben biscuits and she would wait till she thought my Mum was asleep and then get Ben and between the two of them they would try to pinch them and she figured that by giving  them to Ben new we wouldn't tell him off.  While my Mum was there Shez got so excited to go outside she tripped me up and I put my hand to stop the fall and I  fractured my finger, It still hurts now and again.

 I knew she has taken to me as now she leaves Daddy and comes to me. Two years  later I cant imagine not having her, she makes me laugh with her antics and the way just loves  water. Leon says that every bad habit  that she has she learnt  from me and he is  probably right, but I love my little Girl and just cant help spoiling her.


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 UPDATED  Monday, April 14, 2003 07:47:42 AM

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